We've had so many projects lately that I haven't had the time to share them with you...so get ready for a lot of updates.Ava received a Crystal Growing Kit for Christmas and could hardly wait to get started.  I have to admit that I was a little skeptical at first but her confidence never waivered!

We broke out the safety glasses, read the directions and started pouring.  This kit came with everything we needed including "starter rocks" on which the crystals would attach and grow.

The only down-side was that this project took an entire week. We waited a loooonnnnngggg time to see any progress.  I had to sacrifice the lower shelf in the china cabinet to accommodate a semi-scientific environment.

The doors on this cabinet have glass panels which made great "peeking cabinets" for us to peek in and check the progress.  After the 7th day - We had Crystals! (aka: Diamonds)  Ava took them to school for "show and tell" and coud not have been more proud!

(I was too.)

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