Day 4 - Books
Day 4 took us to the book shelves.  Books!  I have books everywhere - and my family would tell you that most of them are of the "boring business book variety." (I also have an e-reader that I adore - so it is time go completely electronic.) This was my criteria for giving or trashing books. (Books never fall in my "sale it" category.)  If a book is a hard cover and signed by an author, and I liked it...then I keep it.  Everything else goes. Everything!

The stack of books you see pictured here are just the first 25.  I was actually able to go way beyond my goal of 25 things today. All were donated or passed along to friends. (Most of my friends do not share my appreciation for books of the "boring business book" variety)

I made copies of special recipes, quotes, and plans from certain books,  and sent them to their new electronic file on my computer.

Neely and Ava really had a great time going through their books and selecting the ones they wanted to give away.  We spent a lot of time talking about our favorite stories and remembering the times when we first heard them.  It was lots of fun and a big relief to see all those now empty spaces.

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