Day 22 - More Dresses!
Day 22
This was the 3rd pass through the girl's closet and I think we are finally rid of everything that doesn't fit, isn't liked or is stained. (And probably a few more after that..)  I think their closets are in great shape for the new year. And I am confident there is plenty of room for anything new that they might get for Christmas. (Assuming they stay on the "Nice" list of course. ;-)

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Day 23
Day 23 - Toy Bins
We took one last look through the toy bins in Neely's room.  There are so many toys that she has out grown or that missing of broken pieces. But not anymore.. ;-)

Day 24 and 25
We decided to go all out on the last 2 days.  These bags contain about 75 items.  Toys and games with missing pieces, stuffed animals, coats that we;ve outgrown and more....
I never would have dreamed on Dec 1 that we actually had this much stuff to give, trash, or sale.  We keep a really tidy house. I would have considered us organized and efficient in almost every aspect of our home. (We have too - to keep things moving and make sure everything gets done.) But I was completely amazed at how much clutter we were able to eliminate by letting go of things.  It feels great to have a clutter free house - and a clutter free life.  But I think this may just be the beginning

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